Horswill, Richard

10/10/17 Loughborough Students Horswill, Richard 1 - 3 Potter, Mark Leicestershire Tennis 2
17/10/17 University Of Leicester Lovatt, George 1 - 3 Horswill, Richard Loughborough Students 5
24/10/17 Northamptonshire Feakin, Ryan 0 - 3 Horswill, Richard Loughborough Students 6
31/10/17 Hermitage Stroud, Paul 3 - 0 Horswill, Richard Loughborough Students 1
07/11/17 Loughborough Students Horswill, Richard 0 - 3 Holland, Oliver Hinckley Squash 1
28/11/17 Loughborough Students Horswill, Richard 3 - 0 - no player - Cleaver 6
05/12/17 Loughborough Students Horswill, Richard 3 - 2 Ward, Steve Market Harborough 4
30/01/18 Loughborough Students Horswill, Richard 2 - 3 Cumming, Alex University Of Leicester 3
06/02/18 Leicestershire Tennis Turney, Jack 3 - 0 Horswill, Richard Loughborough Students 1
13/02/18 Loughborough Students Horswill, Richard 3 - 1 New, Dave Leicester Squash 5
20/02/18 Loughborough Students Horswill, Richard 3 - 1 O'Dell, Connor Northamptonshire 5
06/03/18 Hinckley Squash Taylor, Owain 3 - 0 Horswill, Richard Loughborough Students 1
13/03/18 Hinckley Squash 2 Anderson, Duncan 1 - 3 Horswill, Richard Loughborough Students 5
17/04/18 Market Harborough Geear, Martin 3 - 1 Horswill, Richard Loughborough Students 2
24/04/18 Cleaver Woodruffe, Richard 3 - 1 Horswill, Richard Loughborough Students 2