Wilson, Mike

01/06/17 The Smith Associates Smith, Henry 0 - 3 Wilson, Mike Pick Everard 6
15/06/17 Charnwood 2 - no player - 0 - 3 Wilson, Mike Pick Everard 6
22/06/17 The Intermediates Rawstorne, Alex 3 - 0 Wilson, Mike Pick Everard 1
29/06/17 Pick Everard Wilson, Mike 3 - 0 Elliott, Connor New Parks 3 6
06/07/17 Pick Everard Wilson, Mike 3 - 2 Ashley, Thomas LSC Juniors 4
20/07/17 LSC Juniors Bates, Charles 0 - 3 Wilson, Mike Pick Everard 6
03/08/17 Pick Everard Wilson, Mike 3 - 0 Smith, Henry The Smith Associates 6
17/08/17 Pick Everard Wilson, Mike 0 - 3 Rawstorne, Alex The Intermediates 1
24/08/17 Pick Everard Wilson, Mike 0 - 3 Radburn, Oliver Charnwood 2 1
14/09/17 New Parks 3 Elliott, Connor Wilson, Mike Pick Everard