• Frequently Asked Questions
  • Who is it for?
  • Where is my club?
  • Is it just for teams?
  • We have our own scoring system
  • Who can fill out scorecards?
  • Are the scores checked?
  • How can I contact or be contacted by another player?
  • How can I get a login?
  • How can I change my password?
  • Is my data protected?
  • What are your fees?

Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome! This is the FAQ section. Click a question on the left to see the answer.

If you are looking for help with your account, administering leagues, scorecards, etc. then please login and go to the support page.

Who is this website for?

League Organisers

Your league could consist of a handful of players or it could be a multi-division team league with hundreds of players and thousands of matches. We aim to make your life easier by helping you: disceminate information (like fixture dates and venus as well as results), handle scorecards, update tables and rankings, keep on top of archiving league data and handle player contacts.


As well as showing your upcoming matches we provide a record of your previous matches and scores, let you see your rankings, find out how your opponents have been doing and help you contact other players.

Where is my club on Squash Results?

Each club or organisation has its own pages on Squash Results. You need the URL that the club uses within Squash Results. It will be something like squashresults.com/YourClubName

Get your club URL from your club administrator or follow a link from your club website.

Is it just for teams?

No. Leagues can be of individuals or teams. This is a set on the competition details/setup page.

We have our own scoring system

When you set up a competition you can choose the scoring system to use. If you don't see what you want then contact us and we can add a new scoring system just for you. This will need some development effort which we must charge for but the rates are reasonable and much cheaper than having your own site built.

Who can fill out scorecards?

The captain of a team, or if it is competition for individuals and not teams then the players. Both captains must approve for the scorecard to be accepted. An administrator can also approve a scorecard. If you have an admin account then you can read more about this in support page.

Are the scores checked?

Yes. Only score cards that have been verified are counted towards league tables and player rankings. A scorecard is only counted as verified when either both captains of team matches, or both players for individuals matches, or an administrator have approved it.

To approve a scorecard, click the Admin button on the scorecard and then click Approve. If a scorecard is changed sometime after it has been verified then it will have to be verified again. If you think a match score is wrong please contact your captain or competition administrator.

How can I contact or be contacted by another player?

You can look for contact details of other players using the contacts page. To do so you must have a login. If you don't have a login see 'How can I get a login?' FAQ. In order that other players can find you, you must opt-in to allow sharing on your details page.

How can I get a login?

If you are a player and want to change your contact details, look up some contact details, or fill in scorecards online then you will need to login.

If you are a captain and want to fill out scorecards or you are going to be an online administrator then you will need to login.

Go to your club's pages on Squash Results. If you don't know the URL then there should be a link to it on your club's own website or your club admin will know. When there click Login and then click Register.

You will be asked for an email address. If your club has already noted your email address then you will be sent a password straight away. If we don't recognise your email address then your club admin will be notified and once they verify it then you can use the register page again in order to get a password.

How can I change my password?

Login and go to My Details then Password.

Is my data protected?

Please see our privacy statement.


Fees are charged per competition (i.e. per season) and depend on the number of matches in the competition. You can upgrade to a higher match limit at anytime. Fees include hosting of your results and access to the data during and after the competition. There are no recurring costs or hidden fees once a competition at a given season is over. If you repeat the competition in subsequent years, i.e. have a new season, then you pay again for the new season.

If you have a number of competitions or want custom modifications then you can be invoiced annually, contact us to find out more.

Competition FeeMatch Limit
free 30
£10.80 50
£21.60 80
£32.40 120
£43.20 170
£54.00 250
£64.80 500
£86.40 1000
£108.00 1500
£129.60 2000
£151.20 2500
£172.80 3000
£194.40 3500
£216.00 4000